Not just a Company but an Idea

Probiotic microorganisms have been part of our food from many centuries, without our knowledge but they always benefited us, best example probiotic containing food is curd which contains billions of Lactobacillus strains imparting health benefits in maintaining our gut (intestine) flora for better digestion.
There are number of microbial strains especially bacteria which are beneficial for humans. The earlier known benefits of probiotics were limited to good gut health and good digestive system but later studies have shown that probiotics not only helps our digestive system but they also boosts immunity, prevent allergies and helps in reduction of cholesterol.
We, Bioven Ingredients is one of the leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter of probiotic strains in India. We provide the raw probiotic strains as well as blends.
We Bioven Ingredients provide all the food grade probiotic strains listed in FSSAI (Food Safety & Standards Authority of India) schedule book. In probiotics, we deals with raw strains of Probiotic microorganisms, their blends and customized blends. A Probiotic must be alive when administered, survive the gastric environment have undergone controlled evaluation to document health benefits. We have a wide range of Strains like Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Bacillus strains, Probiotic strain of Yeast.
Tested Probiotic supplement for cattle to boost their immunity, improves their digestion system and reduces the risk of pathogenic bacteria along with increasing the yield of the products. Probiotics are added in the feed of cattle to enhance the effectiveness of the gut of the animals and improve the digestive system . They are added in very low quantities to increase the digestion of the feed and promote growth.
It consists of numerous strains of good bacteria which are beneficial for not only poultry but also for humans. The one of the most important benefits of using probiotic mixed feed is that they prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria and develop immunity from within the body of poultry birds which means there is no requirement of using the antibiotic and antimicrobial agents and improve immune system along with meat quality.
Aqua Probiotics are the Probiotics for farmed fish and shrimp are beneficial bacteria that are commonly added to aquaculture systems in order to support health performance and growth of aquatic species.
It contains those microorganisms which do not let pathogenic bacteria to grow in tanks and ponds which also reduces the use of antibiotics,
enhances water quality without water exchange, reduces nitrogenous toxicity in water, high rearing density with low feed wastage and high productivity.
Ultra Probiotics can be used for aquatic animals, poultry and live stocks. This feed additive has dynamic benefits because of its composition of beneficial microorganisms and other active feed additives.
For Cattle: Improves milk production,
enhances the immune system.
For fish and other Aquatic Animals:
Rapid growth, Increases the feed utilization.
For Poultry: Improves the weight gain in broilers, High production from broilers, layer and breeders.

Customize Probiotics Blends
We Bioven Ingredients can provide you customize blend of Probiotics as per your requirements. It consist of numerous strains of good bacteria which are beneficial for not only poultry but also for humans. The one of the most important benefits of using probiotic mixed feed is that they prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria and develop immunity from within the body, which means there is no requirement of using the antibiotic and antimicrobial agents to improve immune system.